We’re so sorry about that — let’s try to figure out which of the issues, and solutions best fits why it won’t work for you on Zoom.

Check if your Chrome extension is updated

To do this — please close your browser completely, and re-open it. This should automatically install the newest version of the chrome extension.

Now that you’ve done this — please try the following steps:


First Step

Open the Zoom video you want to import.


Second Step

Click the chrome extension.


Third Step


If this still doesn’t work, please check the next section!

Check if your Zoom video has no transcript

Knowt currently does not support Zoom videos without transcripts through the chrome extension — but you can download it and use it! Here’s how to download it:


First Step

Play the video.


Second Step

Download it to your device.


Third Step

Upload the video on the Knowt site here.


Fourth Step

Click select files.


Fifth Step

Select the video you downloaded.


Sixth Step

Click confirm, then click next.

If you believe your problem doesn’t fall into any of these situations, please make sure you’ve filled out the request form here.