Knowt’s Practice Test Mode is a classic test based on your flashcards terms and definitions to build your foundation and help you prepare for any exam.

Getting started

To maximize your use of Practice Test Mode, follow these steps:


First Step

Select the flashcards you want to be tested on.


Second Step

Click the Practice Test button on the left-hand side of the screen, right above Spaced Repetition.


Third Step

Select the length of the test and options that fit your goals and style:

  • Question types: Pick the type of questions that will appear in Practice Test Mode, including multiple choice, true/false, and written response.
  • Question format: Choose to answer with the term, definition, or both.
  • Learning options: Select options such as smart grading, shuffling terms, and starred terms only.

Fourth Step

Once you’ve selected your options, click start to begin your personalized study session. Practice Test Mode will track your studying progress and offer options to re-take the test, take a new test, or re-take with incorrect only.

After you finish a Practice Test Mode session, you will receive feedback on all of the questions and if you got them correct or not; you can then re-take the same test, or re-take the test on just questions you got wrong as well.

Good luck and ace your exams with Practice Test Mode!