Looking to challenge yourself and make your own multiple choice options for your flashcards? Read on to learn how!
Note: Currently, adding customized multiple choice options to flashcards is only available on the Plus or Ultra plans.
Customizing multiple choice options
On the homepage, navigate to the flashcard set you want to add your own multiple choice options to and click the edit button, if you're not already editing your set.
Scroll to the flashcard you want to add multiple choice options to and click into the text box where you write your term or definition.
Click on the "Add multiple choice options" button that appears.
You'll now see a dropdown that allows you to create your custom multiple choice options.
Enter your customized multiple choice options, and when you're done, click "Save." Your new multiple choice options will now appear as the incorrect answer selections in both the Learn and Practice Test study modes!
You can also see which of your flashcards have custom multiple choice options when editing a term or definition because the "Add multiple choice options" button will now read "Custom multiple choice on."
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