Sharing settings
Go to the Knowt site and find the flashcards you want to share.
Click the lock symbol in the bottom left corner of the flashcards, which is to the left of the star rating of the set.
Select the sharing settings you want to use:
Private: Only you can find and edit this note.
Public: Anyone on Knowt will be able to see and study your note, but not have access to edit it.
Password protected: Anyone with the password you create will be able to see and study your note, but not have access to edit it.
Note: If you want access to this feature, you'll need our Plus or Ultra plan.
Public link sharing
If you want to share your note with friends/other Knowt users, you can send them the Public link (copy link on the Public sharing settings from above) to your note for them to see and study from it.
We hope this helps!
If you have any more questions, please feel free to reach out to our team using the built-in support chat.