Subscribing to Knowt
You can sign up for a free account to study with flashcards, practice questions, and access many more features with Knowt. You can also subscribe to one of the plans below to further customize study materials and get access to our premium AI features.
Just follow these steps!:
Group subscriptions to Knowt
Note: Interested in joining our FREE 6-month pilot program if you're a school or district administrator? You can get unlimited licenses for your students and teachers, completely free, with no contract until July 2025. Fill out the form at this link to join.
On an existing contract with a competitor like Magic School, Quizizz, or SchoolAI? We consolidate all three tools into one and will give you one full school year free when you switch, beat their current price (or match it), and then lock in that rate for 3 years or more.
Don't have an existing contract? We'll beat our competitors' prices by 50%, and lock in that rate for 3 years too! Check out all of our pricing options at this link:, to see just how affordable Knowt is for your school or district.
If you have any more questions, please feel free to reach out to our team using the built-in support chat.
Here's how to contact the team via our support chat: