Knowt AI makes creating flashcards easier than ever. Try it out for yourself and see! To use Knowt AI to create flashcards, follow these steps:

Using AI for your flashcards


First Step

Go to the Knowt site and create a new flashcard or visit an old one.


Second Step

If you haven’t enabled AI yet, click the spacebar inside the term or definition text box to open the AI menu. Then, click Unleash Kai to use the AI.


Third Step

Now, you can start creating flashcards. To use Knowt AI to generate flashcards, simply click the spacebar in the term or definition text box again. The AI menu will open, and you can select the option you want to use. - For example, you can select the Create Flashcards option to have the AI generate flashcards for you automatically. - Or, you can select the Translate option to have the AI provide a translation of your desired phrase into another language.

Once you’re finished creating flashcards, you can start studying them right away!

Tips for using Knowt AI to create flashcards

  • Be specific in your prompts: The more specific you are, the better the AI will be able to understand what you want it to do.
  • Use keywords: When you’re asking the AI to generate flashcards, use keywords from your notes to help the AI focus on the most important information.
  • Experiment with different features: Knowt AI has a lot of features to offer, so experiment with different ones to see what works best for you.

We hope this helps!

ai flashcards

ai flashcards