If you are a reviewer for the KnowtTaker Program, there will be times when there aren’t units to review for certain exam subjects. Here’s how you can tell!

Steps to check for available units


First Step

Log in to the portal with your full name and email that you applied to the program with.


Second Step

Click Available units if not already selected; you will be shown exam subjects you were approved to review notes for.


Third Step

Click an exam subject listed.

Fourth Step

If there are no units to review, there will be blank space under the “exam units” text as shown:

When will there be available units?

Keep checking back in the portal under available units to see if writers have finished creating notes for a unit you can review!

If there are still no units to select for a given unit, that just means that no notes are ready for review yet, so check back at another time! Try to check back every 2-3 days if possible.

If you’re experiencing any issues with the portal or unit selection, please reach out and contact us so we can help figure it out!