Looking for what you can do on Knowt to earn yourself XP? Read the list down below to start leveling up!

How do I know what actions will give me XP?

If you see any buttons with a blue ring around the edges, that means it will earn you XP! The sword icon also represents earning XP, as shown below!

earn xp

Practice daily and try different features to get more XP!

Actions that students can take to earn XP

  • Creating a flashcard set
  • Creating a note
  • Opening a note
  • Opening or uploading a media
  • Starting any of the follow study modes:
    • Learn Mode Round
    • Match Mode
    • Spaced Repetition
    • Practice Test
    • Flashcards Mode

Actions that teachers can take to earn XP

  • All actions from the student list
  • Creating a class
  • Inviting students
  • Filling out the privacy agreement form

If you’re experiencing any issues with earning XP, please reach out and contact us so we can help figure it out!