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Can I sort flashcards like on Quizlet?
Can I sort flashcards like on Quizlet?

Yes! Read more below to learn about our new "Card Sorting" feature.

Joseph Ascoli avatar
Written by Joseph Ascoli
Updated today

Card Sorting

We have a new Card Sorting feature just like Quizlet's that lets you sort your flashcards into "Know" and "Don't know" piles to help you keep track of your understanding.

To enable our new card sorting feature in Flashcard mode, follow these steps:

  1. From the Knowt homepage, navigate to the "Materials" tab and click on the flashcard set you want to study.

  2. From here, click on the "Flashcards" study mode.

  3. Once there, click on the "Options" button in the top right of your screen.

  4. To enable card sorting, simply toggle on the "Cards sorting" switch and click "Save options."

  5. You'll now be able to sort your flashcards based on whether you "Know" or "Don't know" them by clicking either the green checkmark (or right arrow key) and red X (left arrow key).

Once you're done sorting all the terms in your set, you'll be able to focus exclusively on the ones you "Don't know" so you can make sure you spend extra time on the most challenging concepts. Happy studying!

If you need any more help, just reach out to us via the built-in support chat.

Here's how to contact the team via our support chat:

  1. After viewing an article (like this one) in our help center popup, press the back button in the top left of the popup.

  2. Now that you've navigated back to the help screen, you can message us directly via the "Send us a message" button at the bottom of the popup:

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