Knowt Exam Hub
Have a big exam coming up? The Knowt Exam Hub has you covered! We have study guides, notes, flashcards, & more resources curated by the best students in each field. In addition to material for AP, IB, and GCSE exams, you can also explore study material for exams like the SAT, MCAT, and LSAT!
To access the Exams page, simply click the "Exams" button at the top left of the Knowt homepage, or go to this link. From here, you'll be able to explore all of our exam hubs, complete with everything you'll need to ace that exam. Click on each Exam Hub to see a full list of subjects covered.
Tip: If you're prepping for an AP exam, we also have AP Multiple Choice and Free Response practice problem generators, and an AP Score Calculator you can use to find out exactly what you need to do to get a 5.
We hope these resources are helpful! Best of luck with your studying, and don't forget to check out our social media channels (@getknowt) where we'll post updated materials and specific study programs as we get closer to exam season!
Here's how to contact the team via our support chat: