Note: Knowt is a platform that provides educational content and tools to support better learning. We prohibit all forms of cheating and academic dishonesty on our platform. Read below to learn more about what you can do to help us ensure academic integrity.
Why report?
Knowt is committed to supporting and enhancing learning. Cheating is not learning, and Knowt will continue to fight against this type of content and activity on its site. You can play your part by reporting any of this content or cheating to ensure that Knowt remains a standard for Academic Integrity within our community. Not only are you helping Knowt out, you are also benefiting your community to truly learn in a meaningful way.
Reporting cheating material
If you find any cheating material on Knowt, you can request its removal through this form so that it can be promptly reviewed. We have made it relatively easy to report cheating by providing users with access to the removal form, which can be applied to all content on the platform. Knowt also has a team of professionals who are dedicated to reviewing and removing cheating material as soon as possible.
If you have any more questions, please feel free to reach out to our team using the built-in support chat.