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How to see frequently missed flashcards

These are the steps for viewing flashcards that are frequently missed and which student is struggling with them. You'll be a pro in analyzing your student's progress in no time.

Abheek Pandoh avatar
Written by Abheek Pandoh
Updated this week

Viewing frequently missed flashcards

  1. On the homepage, select the Classes tab right next to My Files.

  2. Select the class you created.

  3. Go to the Progress tab of your class.

    frequently missed flashcards

  4. Select the dropdown button located under Flashcards, and choose your desired set.

    frequently missed flashcards

  5. Scroll down to the Class Progress widget, located on the left side of the screen.

  6. Click frequently missed flashcards located under the four mastery trackers.

    frequently missed flashcards

  7. The screen will now display the flashcards that are frequently missed, along with the corresponding number of students per mastery level (not started yet, still learning, almost done, and complete).

Viewing which student is struggling with a flashcard

  1. On the right side of the flashcard, click view more details under the mastery trackers.

    frequently missed flashcards

  2. This screen will display the students that haven’t mastered this flashcard, along with their current progress and time studying the card.

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