Viewing activity and progress of study modes
On the homepage, select the Classes tab right next to My Files.
Select the class you created.
Go to the Progress tab of your class.
Locate the Study Analytics widget on the right side of the screen.
Here, you can see each student along with their activity in different study modes; if the icon under Activity is lit up, the student has used that mode to study. Hover over each study mode to see when the student was last active, the time spent, and how many cards were seen.
The overall completion progress is displayed as a % on the right side of the widget, directly under Progress. Learn more about this % in this article! - To view specific study modes, click the All study modes dropdown on the top right of the widget.
Select your desired mode (learn, test, match, or spaced).
The Study Analytics widget will now be updated to display the specific statistics for each student under the selected study mode, where you can still view the overall % Progress on the right side. Note the % doesn't change per mode and is a reflection of total completion %.
If you have any more questions, please feel free to reach out to our team using the built-in support chat.
Here's how to contact the team via our support chat: