Creating flashcards
On the Knowt site, click the blue plus button on the top right of the screen or click the "Create New" button.
Select "Flashcards" to start on a fresh set!
Fill out the title, description, any tags you want to add, and at least 4 terms to the set (you can use our "Ask Kai" if you need help getting started!).
Don't forget to click the "Create" button at the top right of your screen to finish making your set!
Editing flashcards
Under Your Files on the home page, click the desired flashcard to view it.
Click on the pencil icon or the "Add or remove terms" button at the bottom of the screen to edit your set.
Edit flashcard settings by clicking the 3 dots under the first term, right above the "Description and Tags" section.
That's it! Happy studying!
If you have any more questions, please feel free to reach out to our team using the built-in support chat.
Here's how to contact the team via our support chat: