Getting started
To maximize your use of Learn Mode, follow these steps:
Go to the Knowt homepage and select the flashcards you want to be tested on.
Click the Learn button on the left-hand side of the screen, right above Practice Test
Select the options that fit your goals and style:
Question types: Pick the type of questions that will appear in Learn Mode, including multiple choice, true/false, written response, and flashcard.
Question format: Choose to answer with the term, definition, or both.
Learning options: Select options such as smart grading, shuffling terms, starred terms only, and re-typing incorrect answers.
Once you've selected your options, click start to begin your personalized study session. Learn Mode will track your studying progress and adjust the difficulty of the questions as you move forward. It will also focus on the areas where you need the most practice.
Be specific in your goals: What do you want to learn by the end of your study session? Once you know your goals, you can choose the question types and learning options that will help you achieve them.
Review your mistakes: After you answer a question in Learn Mode, you will immediately receive feedback if it's correct or not. This way, you can track any areas of improvement as the session continues and focus on those areas during the remainder of Learn Mode.
Good luck and ace your exams with Learn Mode!
If you have any more questions, please feel free to reach out to our team using the built-in support chat.
Here's how to contact the team via our support chat: