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Why is the Chrome extension only importing 100 flashcards from Quizlet?
Why is the Chrome extension only importing 100 flashcards from Quizlet?

Have a big Quizlet set and the Knowt Chrome extension is only importing the first 100 terms? Good news, this fix is simple!

Joseph Ascoli avatar
Written by Joseph Ascoli
Updated over a month ago

Allowing Kai to see all the terms πŸ‘€

If you're trying to import a Quizlet set to Knowt with more than 100 terms, before using the Chrome extension just scroll down to the bottom of the Quizlet set and click the "See more" button. This allows Kai to see all of the terms. From here, just use the Chrome extension as normal!

You should now see Kai celebrate for being able to find all of your terms!

If you have any more questions, please feel free to reach out to our team using the built-in support chat.

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