Prohibited ad categories
Knowt has ads in order to run services for those who use the platform for free; unfortunately, an ad in one of our restricted categories may occasionally slip past our preventative measures. Here's what you should know if you ever see one!
Ad categories we don't allow on Knowt include, but aren't limited to: adult content, suggestive imagery, tobacco, alcohol, drugs, dating, gambling, firearms, weapons, illegal or fraudulent content, and counterfeit goods. We take these occurrences seriously and act quickly to remove the ad and prevent others like it from appearing in the future.
Reporting bad ads
If you see an ad that falls into any of these categories or is otherwise offensive, please email [email protected] with the following:
A screenshot or brief description of the ad's image
Text appearing on the ad
The ad's URL (right-click on the ad to copy the link address)
The page URL where you saw the ad
We review every submission. Thank you for helping us keep Knowt safe!
If you have any more questions, please feel free to reach out to our team using the built-in support chat.
Here's how to contact the team via our support chat: