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What is a badge?

Wondering what a badge is and how to earn one? Look no further!

Abheek Pandoh avatar
Written by Abheek Pandoh
Updated over a month ago

How do badges work?

A badge is a reward granted to users that complete certain tasks within Knowt! For example, a user can earn a badge for completing a certain number of learn mode rounds on any set. Badges have different tiers that increase in difficulty, and the corresponding XP/ coin rewards increase with the difficulty of the badge!

earn xp

Tip: Practice daily and try different features to earn more badges!

How do I claim my badges?

  1. Log in to Knowt.

  2. Click on your profile picture in the top right, and click profile.

  3. Scroll to the Badges section under your streak and coins.

  4. Click view more to open up all of the badges. Here you can view your progress on each badge.

    view badges

  5. Locate badges that have the red number icon on the top right of the card.

    view badges

  6. Click on the badge and click the claim rewards button at the bottom.

    view badges

If you have any more questions, please feel free to reach out to our team using the built-in support chat.

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