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Note Guidelines

Note guidelines for KnowtTakers writers & reviewers

Abheek Pandoh avatar
Written by Abheek Pandoh
Updated this week

General guidelines

Note: As a KnowtTaker, the notes you produce must meet all our guidelines so they can set an example for other students who share their notes! Reviewers should also make sure the notes adhere to these guidelines:

  • Upload typed notes whenever possible - for subjects like History, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, etc.

  • Use LaTeX for Math: For mathematical equations and formulas, please use our built-in LaTeX editor.

  • Logical Flow: Bullet points do not need to be in complete sentences, but your points need to logically flow rather than be stray, disconnected ideas.

Structuring your notes

  • Big headers for general sections: Use big headers to define major sections of your notes.

  • Smaller headers for specific sections: Use smaller headers for specific sections within larger sections.

  • Nested lists: Use nested lists when concepts relate to each other (there is a formatting bar at the top of the note or you can click “/” on your keyboard, scroll down to Typography, and choose your bullet point type list).

  • Indent bullet points: Indent bullet points by simply clicking the “Shift” key on your keyboard. Indented bullet points help relate a specific point to an overall bullet point/topic which makes it easier to read & understand!

Flashcards and tags

  • Create flashcards: Make sure your notes all have flashcards created for them after you share.

  • Tag your notes properly:

    • Add a subject tag.

    • Add an exam tag.

    • Add several custom tags (for any key terms/concepts specific to the chapter itself that are integral to understanding that chapter and that would help others find your notes more easily).

Formatting and highlighting

  • Bold key terms: For key vocabulary words, events, or people, bold them so it’s easier to recognize that it’s important!

    • Example: Chromosome: thread-like structure found in the nucleus that’s made up of DNA and carries trait information.

  • Highlight important concepts: Highlight the most important concepts/phrases in each chapter that are key to understanding that chapter so highlights should be sparse.

  • Add images: Add images (graphs/charts/tables) where necessary.

    • No screenshots of explanations: No screenshots of explanations, but screenshots of complex formulas are allowed.

    • Rule of thumb: If the image can be typed out in bullet point format, type it out in bullet point format or else it’s plagiarism.

Creating flashcards with Knowt AI

  • Use the Knowt AI tool to create the required flashcards from your notes for all subjects except math-based subjects (such as Calculus, Geometry, etc., if you think it’s relevant).

By following these guidelines, you will help ensure that your notes are clear, comprehensive, and useful for other students.

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  1. After viewing an article (like this one) in our help center popup, press the back button in the top left of the popup.

  2. Now that you've navigated back to the help screen, you can message us directly via the "Send us a message" button at the bottom of the popup:

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